Sunday, January 21, 2007

16. Linz

One big negative about traveling at Christmas is everything's closed, so you end up with some time on your hands. With that as a background, we decided to take a day trip to Linz before we left for our final destination, Vienna. I think it was the day after Christmas, so I'm sure the city was unusually quiet, but this was almost eerie. Most of the time we were the only people on the street, and we never thought to use the sidewalks as the streets were completely empty of cars. This main square is called the Hauptplatz, and is a handsome square of baroque buildings, scarred a bit by all the trolley wires. There was also a sad little post Christmas market full of marked down Santas. It did have an extremely helpful tourist office, who armed us with such a detailed walking map of the town I thought we were going to introduce ourselves to every local burgher.