Sunday, January 14, 2007

Austria, December '98

We decided to flee the decidedly un-Christmasy feel of Thailand in December, where Christmas is even a work day, and take a two week trip around the main tourist spots of Austria, where we certainly got the White Christmas we were looking for.

It was a last minute trip, so the hotel and restaurant preparations were pretty slapdash. And there are some definite downsides to an Alpine Christmas, chiefly the fact that it's so bitterly cold that sightseeing quickly becomes a chore, and it seems to get dark around 3 pm.

We started the trip in Innsbruck by flying to Vienna from Bangkok then transferring to a cute Tyrolean Airlines flight where I remember the flight attendants wore cute little costumes like they were auditioning for the Sound of Music. But maybe I'm just imagining that. This photo is of Innsbruck on the banks of the Inn River, which eventually flows to the Danube.


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha.

let's all make friend.

Somchai and Brian said...

I think stolidog and ilyliuxin are a match made in heaven