Sunday, September 2, 2007

Rome and Venice May '03

We decided a couple months back to take a two week trip to Italy. I think the original idea was to either head to Lake Como or the Amalfi Coast, but then it seemed weird that we'd have been to Italy a few times and Somchai had only seen the Florentine part of the Florence-Rome-Venice tourism triangle.

The trip started on a typically crappy Thai Airways flight from Bangkok to Rome. We had first class to ourselves due to SARS and some impending terrorism threat that never materialized. Tiny, barely reclining seats, no movies etc, the usual Thai horrific first class. We arrived tired and crumpled at Rome's dumpy airport around 6 am, then drove about thirty minutes to our hotel, Hotel de Russie. The hotel is a wonderful oasis of greenery, with a fantastic outdoor terrace where we spent every afternoon having pre-dinner drinks.


Anonymous said...

hmmm. a couple of months back? is that right?

oh, and wha wha wha on your flight.

Somchai and Brian said...

Probably not, or at the least it's inelegant. But I get stuck with describing time in this blog. A couple months ago would be much more elegant, but I'm writing about five years ago,so it feels like if I say a couple months ago, I'd be talking about June '07, not March '03. So I guess I used back to say back from the date I'm writing about. But I agree it doesn't sound very nice and if this were a novel I would definitely rewrite it before sending to my editor. More importantly, no comment on the jumping cats of Inle Lake?

Anonymous said...

i couldn't decide how i felt about the jumping cats...funny but sad (i can't help but wonder what their training methods are)

Somchai and Brian said...

They're Buddhist monks! Not to show my religious bias, but if anyone's going to be nice to the cats it will be the monks, most of whom are vegetarian. They probably train them through meditation. Maybe next time I'll get photos of the meditating cats.