Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm having trouble with the Venice entries because most of what we did during the day was walk along the canals and get lost in obscure neighborhoods. I've got hundreds of photos of these canals, but I have no idea what part of Venice they're in so I keep not using them and instead go from church to museum to palace because those are more easily identifiable and I know when I visited them. So the blog entries seem like we just kept going to churchese but in fact the trip was relatively light on that sort of thing apart from Piazza San Marco. I guess at some point I'll just do a photo dump of canal pics in the blog and call it something pseudo-artsy like Visions of Venice. But for now, it's lunchtime, and we ate at a very famous, and famously hard to find, seafood restaurant, La Corte Sconta. The restaurant sits almost at the edge of the city in an entirely residential neighborhood far from tourist sights, but that all adds to the charm. The interior is a bit dull, but most people opt for the charming outdoor terrace covered with vines. There's no menu, the waiters just chat with you and heavily suggest a series of dishes, all with the freshest seafood available. Everyone starts with a plate of various seafood appetizers, then we had a squid ink pasta, then some grilled fish. Somchai was in heaven, I'm a bit pickier about seafood but thought it was really well done. I must say I don't get the point of squid ink though. It's smelly and thick, and tough to get off my teeth, so I went around looking like a hillbilly for the rest of the day. (Food-15, Decor-15, Service-13).


Anonymous said...

Sounds Delicious.