Saturday, September 15, 2007

For dinner we picked up another Michelin star, La Terrazza dell'Eden. The Hotel Eden, the pink building in the photo, is close to our hotel, around Via Veneto. It's a top hotel, but seems a bit dated to me. The rooftop restaurant is probably the most glamorous in Rome, and the only one requiring a jacket a tie. The room is classical and fairly characterless. The view is fantastic, with all of Rome spread below you. Too bad the brilliant architects put such a low ceiling on the room, and even narrower windows. It's a very animated restaurant, mostly Italian businessmen on expense accounts (that has much better connotations than an American restaurant full of businessmen, though, due to the much greater Italian flair). Did the full four course gutbuster of a meal, and enjoyed the scene and the polished service. Food-16, Decor-11, Service-17.