Thursday, March 22, 2007

The most famous landmark on Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery, which is a small-ish art gallery but a great collection and very nicely displayed. There's also the almost totally ignored National Portrait Gallery behind it. It's ignored because portraits tend to occupy the boring spectrum of painting, so the prospect of seeing thousands of portraits is understandably offputting, but it's a cute little museum and a great place to get up to speed on the who's who of britain before you tackle the historical sights these people used to occupy. The church photo is of St. Martin's, which is famous in the US because it's the prototype for the Congregational churches that occupy the prime real estate in every New England town.
One clarification-the weather in London is changeable, but not that changeable. We walked through this area almost every day so the various pics were taken on different days with different weather conditions, but I thought it would be easier to present if I grouped them geographically rather than sticking strictly to chronology.