Saturday, March 31, 2007

After lunch we went to the nearby Tate Modern Gallery, which is a cavernous space occupying a giant brick power plant, obviously no longer in service. It was relatively new when we visited, and was thronged with visitors, mostly there to look at the huge empty spaces since the collection has (or at least had) relatively few blockbuster pieces. We then trucked over to the National Gallery, which I guess made about eight hours in museums that day. Presumably the Tate had siphoned off all the visitors to the National Gallery, so we had the place pretty much to ourselves, which was great because a) I really like this museum and b)crowds can be really aggravating during your eigth hour of museuming. We had dinner at Chez Nico, at the time one of three three Michelin star restaurants in London and I believe our first. Nico had a reputation for being a wild man who was always throwing famous people out of his restaurant for supposedly transgressing his ordering rules, but probably more for the publicity. Well, no such fireworks at our dinner, which was silent, just people whispering to one another at the well spaced out tables. Food was classic French, quite elegant. We ordered an eight course tasting menu, and I think lost Somchai around the fourth course. Since we didn't want to incur the wrath of Nico, I think that meant I ended up with twelve courses.