Saturday, February 17, 2007

There are loads of ghats, or cremation temples, lining the river bank, and you can see the tail end of a cremation in the picture above. Nepal still has a very rigid caste system, so each caste has its own ghat, as it simply wouldn't do to be cremated along with people of other castes. There are always cremations going on, which may either attract or repel you. In addition to the ghats, there are lots of guesthouses in the area. These are filled with dying people, who are waiting to die here for the aforementioned reward. Just before they die, they're wheeled out to the river to take a final drink of the water, which probably pushes them over the edge. In one photo you can see an incongruous cross, which marks an outpost of Mother Theresa's missionary nuns. It's essentially a place to die with a dollop of Christianity in addition to a last drink of Hindu holy water, just in case.