Sunday, February 18, 2007

Just off the square we stumbled on a festival performance. Various tribes dressed in their traditional finery and segregated by sex, filled the courtyard as we watched a not terribly interesting play with puppet-like characters. A digression: When I was a kid we lived in Puerto Rico for a few years (well Stolidog and my invisible sister Cheryl did, but Pomme wasn't hatched yet). One day our mom brought home these string puppets for us, to which we gave stereotypical names; mine was Pablo, Invisible Cheryl's was Maria and I forget Stoli's puppet's name, probably Absolut. On the first night, we all separately had nightmares about these puppets coming to life and haunting us, which was a pretty freaky coincidence. From that day on, we had to make sure that the puppets were locked in our closets before we went to bed, so the reason I'm telling you the story is to explain why I may not have been as enamored of the puppet show as the locals.


Anonymous said...

was mine the clown or the mariachi, i can't remember? they were creepy, creepy, creepy.

oh, and remember, pomme does sometimes think she lived with us in puerto rico, so, don't get her confused again.

Somchai and Brian said...

Yours was the clown right out of the Chucky movies.