Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here's the view from our room. Directly across the street is the Paris Hotel and its Eiffel Tower replica, as well as the dumpy Bally's Hotel. The view of the Strip is really best at night, when it is a bit special. During the day, most of the hotels look like huge office buildings lining an interstate, with the occassional Eiffel Tower or Sphinx plopped down nearby. What I really liked was the desert view beyond the casinos. I don't really spend much time in the desert, so I found it very interesting to see the barren mountains in the distance, particularly when juxtaposed against the silliness of Vegas.


Anonymous said...

I stayed at the Paris last year, I wouldn't recommend it, but then again I wouldn't recommend Las Vegas for the next several years as the entire strip looks, and feels (thanks to the choking dust) like a war zone with gigantic construction projects going on all over the place....the bellagio has a giant open pit construction zone (condos going up) right next to it now (well, last year, i'm sure it's not finished)

ps, looks like your blog company changed the format again for posting comments, so i'm not sure this is going through

Somchai and Brian said...

No problem with the comments. We visited the Paris as you'll see later, I rather liked the lobby areas but had heard the rooms weren't that great. But the big plus is Somchai won huge amounts of money there.