Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here's the hotel exterior. As per my previous post, it's really just a huge nondescript hulk of a building, although they've added a very lifelike Tuscan village along an artificial lake outside the hotel that is the only thing that gives it a personality. The lake is hyperactive, with an enormous fountain show going on more or less continuously, accompanied by loud music. It's nice enough during the day, but definitely more impressive when lit up at night, at least for the first fifteen times I saw it. Bellagio: Overall: 7 (Room: 7, Facilities: 10, Service: 4). By way of explanation, no 6,000 room hotel is going to compare favorably with the hotels we usually stay at in the service category, but I gave them extra credit for facilities, since the smaller hotels are unlikely to have dozens of restaurants, a huge casino, shows etc either. And if you're going to stay in Las Vegas, this isn't a bad option, although now that Steve Wynn has opened up his new place, that's supposed to out-glitz the Bellagio. So you may want to try that, or go for something more kitschy and less blandly corporate, like New York, New York or the Venetian.


Anonymous said...

i stayed at New York, New York several years's fun if for no other reason the city scape and the roller coaster that zooms around it.

scariest hotel has to be the stratosphere, which is like 40 stories tall and has open air carnival rides at it's very tippy top