Saturday, February 9, 2008

Having some technical difficulties, as my posts seem to move around a bit. So I think the Bally's post might show up in the middle of my Caesar's Palace posts, but then again, it might not. In any event, they have absolutely nothing in common, so you should be able to figure it out. Caesar's Palace did a great job of dressing up yet another drab office building with tons of Roman "ruins" and staying in theme. Well, actually, for no reason whatsoever, they have an exact replica of a Thai Buddhist temple in the middle of all this Romanness. I've got a photo with me posed in front of it,but I'm wearing an absolutely ridiculous shirt, so I can't use it. I think I was trying to dress kitsch to get into the experience, but it really didn't work.

The casino area's a bit of a mess, understated and confusing to navigate. There's a transition area linking the hotel and the Forum shopping area (pictured here), where we wasted some time waiting for the shops to open. This is where Somchai became addicted to the Wheel of Fortune slot machines, winning about $700 in fifteen minutes.