Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Woke up late on Saturday and met our friends Murray and Jenny. We checked out the weekend market in the Rocks for a bit, which consists of people selling trinkets in an outdoor market set up to upstage the usual shops in the Rocks selling trinkets. Then we headed out on the harbour, taking a ferry to Watson's Bay for a lunch at Doyle's. There are two main tourist ferry lines, one to Manly, which is popular because it's the longest one, dropping you off on the far north shore, and the other to Watson's Bay, which also goes to the end of the harbour but stays on the south shore. I like this one better because a)it's the one I now take to and from work every day and b) it goes in and out all the bays along the way so there's lots more to see, while the Manly ferry goes straight across the harbour so you're mostly looking at water.


Anonymous said...

quite a nice ride to work!!!