Saturday, October 27, 2007

Rounding out the tour of Monroe sights, I took him to our oldest school, the East Village schoolhouse. That used to be the town's only school for a couple hundred years before we sprouted suburban tract housing, now we're forced to go there once a year and our teachers have to dress up in colonial garb. I also showed him Monroe Elementary School, where I joined in fourth grade after we moved from Puerto Rico. I was born near Hartford, CT, then took a slight Puerto Rican detour, then moved to Monroe. Notwithstanding that I'm as whitebread as can be, I was still referred to as the Puerto Rican while attending elementary school. I then moved to Chalk Hill Middle School, an architectural monstrosity so hideous I was ashamed to show Somchai so we skipped that, and moved on to Masuk High School. Weirdly we didn't take any photos of the school, but lots of the football field/running track, so that's what I've included here. I also searched the blog for photos of Monroe schools and came up empty, so our little town needs to get on the information superhighway ASAP. The other non-schol photo was of Great Hollow Lake, a pretty nature reserve. It was of course frozen over, but I couldn't get Somchai out on his skates.


Anonymous said...

monroe seems like a great place to live.....lucky you

Somchai and Brian said...

Yes, through my heavily edited Monroe photo collection, it does seem nice.