Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sunday was pretty much a wasted day. We planned on spending the morning at the Rastro, an enormous weekend market that fills most of the streets of Madrid. It's supposed to be a fantastic market and local event, about the biggest of its kind. There's no denying that it's big, but that's just one of many negatives about the experience. It's basically mile after mile of people selling a can of tuna, a carburetor, a fork, cement, etc. One guy was selling his old prescription glasses, which were broken, so the buyer would have to have his exact eyesight, and not mind wearing broken glasses. He's probably still there selling them. Anyway, because it sprawls all over the place we kept walking expecting that the real Rastro, the one written up in all the guidebooks as a must-do event, was around the next corner, but instead we'd run into a pile of buttons or something. We tried to pretend this was interesting for about a half hour, then gave up and had some tourist breakfast at the Plaza Mayor.


Anonymous said...

you can probably have the same experience in Cleveland.