Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Costa del Sol is an unremarkable stretch of the Mediterannean marred by an uninterrupted series of cement tower blocks, and bears no connection with the rest of Spain. Just behind the coast, the mountains are dotted with the famous Pueblos Blancos, or White Towns, as Sra. Renaud knows. (My mom is studying Spanish! Ay caramba!) As per the last post, Mijas is the town closest to the coast and hence the one inundated with tourists, but it's still a very pretty place. Weirdly as you've no doubt noticed, Somchai took this one opportunity to explore his artistic side with a sepia toned film. I'm all for the arts, but it seems counterintuitive that in a town famed for its whiteness you'd beige the whole place up, but here you are, Mijas the Pueblo Marron. Mom?