Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Opus is at the center of Yaletown, Vancouver's answer to Soho. Yaletown did have a core of post-industrial buildings that housed some cool cafes, galleries and restaurants, it just wasn't very big. And the rest of Yaletown was mostly taken up by new apartment buildings, which really swarm all over Vancouver. It's probably the most densely populated place I've seen, including Hong Kong and Manhattan. So one drawback for the Opus is it's relatively short, and while we had the penthouse, the only views we really had were of the forest of apartment buildings. Actually, the apartment right across from us had a couple in it who were nude all the time, usually having sex, and no curtains anywhere in sight. We're not peeping toms, but it was almost impossible to avoid watching them, like our own version of Big Brother. Despite this, Yaletown was definitely my favorite part of the city.