Saturday, June 16, 2007

Our last photo of Tuscany, which I'm ending with not because of the beautiful buildings, but because I think Somchai looks like a movie star here. Isn't he adorable?

Well, to finish up the trip, Somchai left to visit some friends in Vancouver very early the next day, while I had to go later that day for a business trip to New York. Unfortunately, a nearly perfect trip ended badly due to Lufthansa, the world's surliest airline (excluding the US airlines of course). The Lufthansa flight from Rome left a couple hours late, but I ran through the Frankfurt airport to get my connecting flight, which I missed by about a minute. I was greeted by a nasty Lufthansa employee who shook her head and gave me a tsk, tsk, tsk, like it was my fault their flight was late. She then informed me that the connecting flight had told them I was coming, but they couldn't hold the plane for connecting passengers. This is strange, because I've been on at least 14,000 flights that have been delayed for late connections, but the one time I needed a one minute delay, I got a reprimand instead. So I got to spend the night at a godawful airport hotel in Frankfurt, and headed to New York the following day.